Long term sailing expedition to the Arctic

Annonce référence n°44049, déposée le 05/04/2024 à 13h13

So what is this all about? There is a sailing yacht, 49 feet, 14.5m, without a fixed berth in any harbour. Which always means people on board, to take care of her, on the sea and at anchorage, it is a crazy job to organize that if you don’t live onboard. She is now in Greece, for skipper training and sailing/rock climbing activities, as a part of her second round trip in the Mediterranean sea, right after a North Atlantic round trip to the Caribbean and back, I start to set up a new expedition. We are a few people, me the owner, in the early fifties, and a few younger people (3 boys, 1 girl! We need more!!) in the twenties/thirties, which came sailing along with me in the recent years, which got into sailing on this boat, and want to become skipper on this next project. We want to sail to Greenland, starting at Marseille, and back via the Caribbean, over a time frame of 2 years. Starting September 2024. We want to do it over a long time period, with crews and skippers changing monthly. Autumn 2024 journey Marseille to La Rochelle, then haul out and 6 weeks boat preparation, then over the winter 2024 slowly move upwards to Norway for some skiing, Spring 2025 Journey to Iceland, Summer 2025 Greenland (2 months there) Autumn 2025 down to the Caribbean via Canada/US, Winter 2025 in the area around the Mexican Gulf, Spring 2026 back to Europe via the Acores, or continue to Patagonia and Antartica (approach through Pacific for down wind sailing down there), in case I find the right people. The idea is to do and teach proper sailing to the ones who want to learn, practice, and eventually take the place of a skipper in this project, at a given time. It is fully amateur, no professional set up nor idea behind it. It is not an eco trip, nor transport to travel around the world, it is about taking care of a sailboat and bringing it to mind changing places, and us with her. It is about people getting into sailing, mountaineering or other outdoor activities at the places we stop, about building and participating in interesting crews where mindset and relationship building is key, because we alternate. We count on each other, you come to do the next traverse so that I can get home to family and work, have a rest, and come back a few months later. And we buy our plane tickets to get to her, we share the expenses to keep her well, and again, we come back. Engagement is key. If you are interested to hear more please contact me on [email protected].

Embarquement : Voilier - Kirie Feeling 486

Habilitation : Navigation hauturière

Poste(s) disponible(s) : Skipper et équipiers

Dates : du mardi 1er octobre 2024 au lundi 1er juin 2026

Zone(s) géographique(s) : Océan Arctique, Océan Atlantique, Manche et Mer du Nord

Oliver Kroner